Open Telekom Cloud for Business Customers

Sustainability in the Open Telekom Cloud

Achieving net carbon zero with green IT

How the cloud protects the climate

The cloud ensures sustainability because it helps its users to operate in a more environmentally friendly way. Thanks to scaling effects, optimized utilization, and a more energy-efficient infrastructure, cloud computing is significantly more sustainable than on-premises IT resources. According to KPMG’s Cloud Monitor 2022 and bitkom research, a large proportion of companies that use the cloud are planning or discussing “(rather) major benefits as a result of the general reduction of CO2 emissions (79 percent) or of the increase in energy efficiency (78 percent).” Sustainable IT also has a positive impact on customer satisfaction, as well as the business result.


Green IT from the Open Telekom Cloud

Green data centers

Resource-saving data centers

We focus on Green IT. And purchase 100% green electricity for our data centers in Magdeburg/Biere and in the Amsterdam region. This means that the Open Telekom Cloud meets the requirements of the Climate Neutral Data Center Pact, which T-Systems joined in 2021. Its goal: to design and operate data centers in Europe in such a way that they satisfy high sustainability requirements, for example, using 100 percent carbon-free energy, server recycling, water saving, or heat recovery.


from renewable sources

The Open Telekom Cloud covers 100 percent of its power requirements from renewable sources. Thus making an important contribution to green IT and the sustainable digitalization of its customers.

less energy consumption

The Open Telekom Cloud data centers require 30 percent less energy than comparable ones. The key factor here is efficient power consumption, e.g., for servers and cooling systems, which the Open Telekom Cloud continuously optimizes.

1.28 PUE 
effective energy consumption

The PUE values indicates how effectively energy supplied to a data center is consumed there. The closer this value is to 1, the better the energy balance. In Biere/Magdeburg, the PUE value sits at 1.28, in Aalsmeer/Almere 1.46 and 1.40 respectively.


Research project with Fraunhofer IFF

Together with Fraunhofer IFF, the Open Telekom Cloud is researching measures for more sustainability in data centers, such as improved cooling technology, the use of solar energy and wind power, or heat recovery. The goal: a net-zero data center.

Research project with Fraunhofer IFF
Internationally certified

Internationally certified

The Open Telekom Cloud data centers are certified Gold Status by the U.S. Green Building Council, the highest award of the LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) rating system. They are also ISO 14001 certified for the establishment and operation of their environmental management system.

Titelbild des Whitepapers „Wie geht es mit Ihrer Cloud-Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie weiter?“

Customer magazine Future Practice: Is your heart already green?

In this issue of Future Practice magazine, learn how companies from different industries are using innovation to drive their digital, sustainable transformation and ecological change.


More about sustainability at T-Systems and the Open Telekom Cloud

BlogSmart beehive: Conservation of a species using cloud and IoT

How the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, and the Open Telekom Cloud are improving the welfare of beneficial animals.

Read article

BlogGreen IT: Making digitalization sustainable with the cloud

Particularly resource-friendly: The Open Telekom Cloud provides resources in a climate-friendly manner. How cloud computing helps to make IT sustainable.

Read article

TrendbookRethink the System

Tomorrow’s climate goals cannot be achieved with yesterday’s technology. That’s why T-Systems supports companies in their sustainable digital transformation. To shape a climate-neutral future together.

Learn more

Frequently asked questions about sustainability

Which aspects are included in the sustainability strategy of Open Telekom Cloud?

How does Open Telekom Cloud monitor energy usage and Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE) in its data centers, and which components are considered?

Does Open Telekom Cloud monitor and report carbon intensity, and is this data available in machine-readable and automated formats?

Which measures are taken for an effective cooling and waste heat usage of the data centers?

Is the energy used in data centers sourced from renewable energy, and at what percentage?

Is Open Telekom Cloud carbon neutral?

Are the data centers of the Open Telekom Cloud checked for climate risks and their impact on the environment?

What is done with devices at the end of their service life?

What environmental ISO standards and other sustainability related certifications are held by T-Systems and Open Telekom Cloud:

Deutsche Telekom’s sustainability strategy


Our goals: From carbon neutral to circular economy

We conserve resources, reduce our energy consumption, cut emissions: Telekom is committed to sustainable environmental protection and has set itself ambitious climate-related targets. Since 2021, the company has been obtaining 100 percent of its energy from renewable sources. By 2025, the company aims to operate carbon neutrally. And by 2040, Telekom wants to be carbon neutral throughout its entire supply chain. Keeping energy consumption stable in the coming years and achieving a fully closed-loop economy for electrical equipment by 2030 are also part of the agenda.

Magenta-colored logo of Deutsche Telekom's "#GreenMagenta" sustainability label

#GreenMagenta: Deutsche Telekom backs its own sustainability label

Telekom uses the #GreenMagenta sustainability label to identify products, services, projects, measures and initiatives that make a positive contribution to climate protection and the responsible use of resources. The Open Telekom Cloud is also designated the "#GreenMagenta" label.

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