Open Telekom Cloud for Business Customers

Download free studies, whitepaper and flyer


Cover page of the MySQL RDS study

Open Telekom Cloud MySQL RDS

In March 2024, the independent benchmark provider benchANT evaluated the MySQL services of AWS, Azure and the Open Telekom Cloud. An online store is used as the deployment scenario.


Cover page of the PostgreSQL DBaaS study

Open Telekom Cloud PostgreSQL DBaaS

In March 2024, the independent benchmark provider benchANT evaluated the PostgreSQL offerings from AWS, Azure and the Open Telekom Cloud. An analytics intensive business and support for the mobile telco business serve as application scenarios.


View cover sheet of Cloud Native study

Cloud Native study 2023

Numerous companies are already strengthening their competitiveness with the help of cloud native. Learn more about the successful use of cloud native methods and technologies.


Cover page of the ISG Study 2023

ISG Provider Lens Hyperscale Infrastructure and Platform Services 2023

The Open Telekom Cloud has once again secured the title as one of the leading public cloud solutions on the German market.


Cover page ISG study 2022

ISG Provider Lens: 
Public Cloud Solutions and Services 2022

The Open Telekom Cloud, together with hyperscaler offerings, is ranked as the leading public cloud solution.


Cover page Cloud Mercato Study 2020

Cloud Mercato
Benchmark 2020

According to the 2020 price/performance benchmark by Cloud Mercato, the Open Telekom Cloud outperforms US hyperscalers such as AWS and Microsoft Azure.




Cover sheet of the whitepaper The public cloud in the public sector

The public cloud in the public sector

Germany is digitalizing its administration. An important building block for this? The public cloud. What public sector clients need to bear in mind when using it.


Cover sheet of the whitepaper The public cloud in the public sector

OpenStack – The open source standard

OpenStack offers an alternative to proprietary cloud systems. Click here for an overview of the principles and benefits of OpenStack, as well as working with automation tools and more.


Cover: E-Paper Big data analytics from the cloud

Big data analytics from the cloud

GDPR-compliant, highly secure, and almost infinitely scalable – why the Open Telekom Cloud is made for big data analytics.


Cover sheet of the whitepaper for Research and Education

Research and Education

Today, highly available IT resources are crucial for the success of teaching and science. Read the whitepaper to find out how cloud services shorten research times and create advantages in international competition.


Cover sheet of the Hybrid Cloud Whitepaper

Hybrid Cloud

A guide to hybrid cloud: What companies should look out for when setting up and operating hybrid cloud infrastructures.



Services and flyers of the Open Telekom Cloud

View cover sheet of the Open Telekom Cloud service description

Open Telekom Cloud service description

Here you can find our service description including price lists and additional conditions.


View Cover Sheet Cloud Services Portfolio Comparison

Cloud Services Portfolio Comparison

We compare the service designations of the Open Telekom Cloud with those of the hyperscalers.


View cover sheet Open Telekom Cloud Flyer

Flyer Open Telekom Cloud

The Open Telekom Cloud is a European public cloud with integrated data protection. It provides the perfect basis for all digitization projects.


View cover sheet technology flyer

Flyer Technology

In addition to basic IaaS functions such as network, computing, storage, security and management services, the Open Telekom Cloud also offers additional services such as the Cloud Container Engine (CCE), relational databases and the AI service ModelArts.


Cover sheet Critical infrastructures: Ready for cooperation?

Critical infrastructures: Ready for cooperation?

Our Fact Sheet shows who the new IT-SiG 2.0 applies to and what it means for companies and organizations.


Cover sheet Welcome @ Open Telekom Cloud

Welcome@Open Telekom Cloud

The decisive information on the first steps in the world of Open Telekom Cloud and how to quickly launch your projects is available here.


Cover sheet Enterprise Support Agreement 2.0

Flyer Enterprise Agreement

We offer extended support on demand. Here you benefit, for example, from faster response times, improved resource tracking and dedicated service and delivery management.



Book now and claim starting credit of EUR 250* (code: 4UOTC250)

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Our experts will be happy to help you.
We will answer any questions you have regarding testing, booking and usage – free and tailored to your needs. Try it out today!

Hotline: 24 hours a day, seven days a week 
0800 3304477from Germany
+800 33044770from abroad

* Voucher can be redeemed until December 31, 2024. Please contact us when using the voucher for booking. The discount is only valid for customers with a billing address in Germany and expires two months after conclusion of the contract. The credit is deducted according to the valid list prices as per the service description. Payment of the credit in cash is excluded.

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