Open Telekom Cloud for Business Customers

Disaster Recovery in the Cloud

After an incident such as a fire or a virus attack, a quick recovery of operations is critical. This requires a disaster recovery site that serves as a backup and can quickly replace failed systems. Services that implement disaster recovery in the Open Telekom Cloud give your company a high level of security and at the same time relieve your IT of the burden of maintaining redundant data centers. The decisive factor here is data protection: after all, a backup usually contains personal data. The Open Telekom Cloud not only complies with the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), but is also under European management – and therefore not accessible to foreign authorities. What's more, its services can be configured on request to meet the German Federal Office for Information Security's (BSI) georedundancy criteria, which were tightened in 2018.

A man and a woman inspecting a server room

Three good reasons for Disaster Recovery in the Open Telekom Cloud

Icon of a ribbon infront of a clipboard

Highest standards

Our network of twin data centers is among the most modern and secure in the world.

Icon of a padlock infront of an EU cloud

European data protection

Our facilities store data exclusively in the EU and are under European management.

Icon of a shield infront of a map

Security through georedundancy

Locations in Germany and the Netherlands create security even in the event of catastrophic events.

Our offers for Disaster Recovery in the Open Telekom Cloud

Europe seen from above at night

Georedundancy ensures maximum security

Earthen walls against brute force attacks, meter-high security fences and redundancy through pair-wise construction: Our data centers are among the most modern and secure in the world. The physical distance between their locations provides additional security: Three are located in Germany in Magdeburg and Biere, and two others near Amsterdam. As a result, our data centers also meet the BSI's tightened criteria for georedundancy in 2019.


Disaster recovery according to European data protection regulations

When setting up a disaster recovery site to house customer data, it is crucial that it also complies with European data protection regulations – such as the GDPR.
Your business model only allows data processing in Germany? We provide you with resources in the Open Telekom Cloud including data backup in exclusively local data centers. And our data protection expertise is fully certified: We were one of the first providers to receive the TCDP 1.0 (Auditor) certificate.

A data center seen from outside

Our goal: Zero Outage

Zero Outage is our quality assurance program. It has a clear goal: to enable you to enjoy a working day with minimal downtime thanks to the high standards of our services. The measures it contains take place at all levels. From state-of-the-art platforms and globally standardized processes with short fault clearance times to specially trained personnel and a risk management system that has been tried and tested several times.

Many zeros and ones with a large zero in the foreground

Are you interested in our disaster recovery solutions?

Contact us now for a free and individual consultation!


Frequently asked questions about Disaster Recovery

What is Disaster Recovery?

What is a Disaster Recovery Plan?

What is the role of the key indicators RTO and RPO?

What is the difference between business continuity and disaster recovery?

What role does georedundancy play in disaster recovery?

What does disaster recovery in the cloud mean?


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0800 3304477from Germany
+800 33044770from abroad
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